Sunday, December 9, 2012

TOP 10 SPA TRENDS 2013 ? Healthy Hotels, wellness & fitness ...

Three of the most exciting trends released in yesterday?s Spa Finder?s Top 10 Spa & Wellness trends for 2013 includes Healthy Hotels, Inclusive Fitness & Label-conscious Fitness..

Healthy Hotels
In 2013 and beyond, what constitutes a true ?vacation? will be redefined and ?hospitality? will be rewritten. We?ll see an explosion of new ?wellness everywhere? hotel chains and environments becoming more mainstream. In the past, gyms and spas have been positioned as mere amenities, but now these walls are being conceptually (and literally) broken down. Established hotel chains are re-branding around wellness and it?s not just about fitness. Customized food and beverage offerings (gluten-free and vegan menus) are becoming standard fare, and hotels are jumping into the juice-themed vacation frenzy.

Inclusive Wellness
The future bodies welcomed at spas will look more like bodies in the real world. With more than one billion people who are formally ?disabled?[3] and a massively graying global population, the industry will shift focus from luxe-pampering to delivering wellness to persons of all age and ability levels. More people will look to spas to heal and keep bodies functional, whether through pain-relieving and mobility enhancing therapies, nutrition advice, or the right forms of ?functional fitness? for those with physical limitations or special needs.

Label Conscious Fitness
The ?name-brand? fitness wave has been around for decades. But today, as the fitness market expands as quickly as the world?s waistlines, an explosion of ?fitness labels? distinguishes products and programs ? and serves as a shortcut for instant recognition in an oversaturated market full of similar choices. From Yogalates and Piloxing to CrossFit and The Skinny Jeans Workout?, health and wellness have become the new luxury. Millions chase the ?insider elite,? giving the fitness world a distinct fashion world vibe where consumers shop for the latest fitness craze just as they search for the newest designer purse.


Stephanie Rice Meet the Pyro Karen Klein Colorado fires supreme court summer solstice Summer Solstice 2012

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